The Western Front Museum
Created: 15/03/2001
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Battlefield guides
Exhibition Guides
Equipment and Technology
War at sea
War in the air
This chapter contains all the World War One related books in our collection. To do some proper research on
the subject of World War One, and also to act as a source for reference, one needs to have access to a wide range of documentation, and/or visit the various Military and History Museums (or your local library).
- An Alternative Guide to the Western Front, by A.J. Peacock.
- A Second Alternative Guide to the Western Front, by A.J. Peacock.
- Asiago - Italy, by Francis MacKay (Battleground Europe, 2001).
- Back to the Front, by Stephen O'Shea (Robson Books, London 1997).
- Battlefield Guide to the Somme, by Tonnie and Valma Holt (Leo Cooper, London 1999).
- Battlefields of The First World War, by Tonnie and Valma Holt (Parkgate Books, London 1998).
- Before Endeavours Fade, by Rose Coombs (After The Battle Publication, 1983).
- Boom Ravine - Somme, by Trevor Pidgeon (Battleground Europe, 1998).
- The Cockpit of Europe, A guide to the Battlefields of Belgium & France, by Lt-Colonel Howard Green
(David & Charles Ltd, Abbot 1976).
- Een bezoek aan Verdun, Breuklijn der Beschaving, by Richard Heijster
(Elmar BV, Rijswijk 1995).
- Flanders Then and Now, by John Giles (After The Battle Publication, 1987).
- Gebirgskrieg 1915-1918 (Band I), Ortler - Adamello - Gardasee, by Heinz von Lichem (Verlagsanstalt Athesia, Bozen 2001).
- Gebirgskrieg 1915-1918 (Band II), Die Dolomiten Front, by Heinz von Lichem (Verlagsanstalt Athesia, Bozen 2001).
- Gebirgskrieg 1915-1918 (Band III), Karnische und Julische Alpen - Monte Grappa - Piave - Isonzo, by Heinz von Lichem (Verlagsanstalt Athesia, Bozen 2001).
- Guide Europe des Musées 1914-1918, by Sébastien Hervouet, Luc et Marc Braeuer (Le Grand Blockhaus, Batz-sur-Mer 2012).
- Ieper 14 | 18, by Richard Heijster (Lannoo, Tielt 1998).
- Mysterie 14/18, De Eerste Wereldoorlog Onverklaard, by Richard Heijster (Lannoo, Tielt 1999).
- Schauplätze des Gebirgskrieges 1a, Östliche Dolomiten, by Walther Schaumann (Ghedina & Tassotti, 1985).
- Schauplätze des Gebirgskrieges 1b, Westliche Dolomiten, by Walther Schaumann (Ghedina & Tassotti, 1985).
- Sporen van een Slag, Een pelgrimage naar Verdun 1916, by Dr. H. Jonker
(Fibula-Van Dishoek, Haarlem 1981).
- The Somme Ninety Years On - A Visual History, by Duncan Youel and David Edgell (Dorling Kindersley, 2006).
- The Somme Then and Now, by John Giles (After The Battle Publication, 1991).
- Thiepval - Somme, by Michael Stedman (Battleground Europe, 2000).
- Velden van Weleer, by Chrisje en Kees Brants (Nijgh & Van Ditmar/Dedalus, 1993).
- Verdun, an illustrated historical guide, (Lorraines Frémont, Verdun 1981).
- Verdun, Argonne, Metz, An illustrated history and guide, (Michelin, Paris 1927).
- Vimy Ridge - Arras, by Nigel Cave (Battleground Europe, 1997).
- The Western Front Then and Now - From Mons to the Marne and Back, by John Giles (After The Battle Publication, 1992)
- World War I Battlefield - A travel guide to the Western Front, by John Rider & Emma Thomson (Bradt Travel Guide, Chalfont St. Peter 2014).
- Armamentaria - Koninklijk Nederlands Leger- en Wapenmuseum, The Netherlands.
- La Civica Collezione "Diego de Henriquez" di Trieste, Italy.
- Forte Belvedere - Werk Gschwendt, Italy.
- The Great War 1914-1918 - Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Collection, USA.
- Heeresgeschichtliches Museum in Vienna, Austria.
- Huis Doorn, A castle with Imperial flavour, The Netherlands.
- Militär Historisches Museum Dresden - Ausstellungskatalog 'Deutsches Feldpost von 1870 bis 2010', Germany.
- Militär Historisches Museum Dresden - Exhibition Guide, Germany.
- Museo della Grande Guerre 1915-1918 - Canove, Italy.
- Museo della Grande Guerre in Marmolada, Italy.
- Royal Air Force Museum Hendon - 'The Tradition is Safe', England.
- The Tank Museum - Bovington, England.
- A Dove against Death, by Christopher Wood (Fontana 1984).
- A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway (Everyman's Library, London 1993).
- Franks Wezels roemruchte jaren, by A.M. de Jong (Querido, Amsterdam 1974).
- Goshawk Squadron, by Derek Robinson (Pan Books, London 1973).
- De lotgevallen van de brave soldaat Švejk - part 2 'Aan het front', by Jaroslav Hašek (Uitgeverij Pegasus, Amsterdam 1975)
- De lotgevallen van de brave soldaat Švejk - part 3 'In krijgsgevangenschap', by Jaroslav Hašek (Uitgeverij Pegasus, Amsterdam 1976)
- Marazan, by Nevil Shute (Pan Books, London 1982).
- War Story, by Derek Robinson (Pan Books, London 1987).
- 14-18, De Eerste Wereldoorlog, a ten-book series (Uitgeverij Amsterdam Boek, Amsterdam 1976).
- 1915, The Death of Innocence, by Lyn MacDonald (Headline Books Publishing, 1993).
- 1916, Année de Verdun (Charles-Lavauzelle, 1996).
- The 1917 Spring Offensives - Arras, Vimy , le Chemin des Dames, by Yves Buffetaut (Histoire & Collections, Paris 1997).
- 1918, Het Laatste Bedrijf, by Barrie Pitt (Strengholt's Uitgeverij Amsterdam 1964).
- The A19 Project - archaeological research at Cross Roads, by Mathieu de Meyer and Pedro Pype (A.W.A. Publications, 2004).
- Adventures of a Despatch Rider, by Major W.H.L. Watson (W. Blackwood and Sons, London 1917).
- L'album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Histoire photographique et documentaire reconstituée chronologiquement a l'aide de clichés et de dessins publiés par 'L'Illustration' de 1914 á 1921, 2 volumes (L'Illustration, Paris 1922).
- L'Archéologie de la Grande Guerre, by Yves Desfossés, Alain Jacques and Gilles Prilaux (Editions Quest-France, Rennes 2008).
- Augustus 1914, België op de vlucht, by Misjoe Verleyen & Marc de Meyer (Uitgeverij Manteau, Antwerpen 2013).
- Batalles d'Alsace 1914-1918, by J. Nouzille/R. Oberlé/F. Rapp (Contades 1989).
- The Battle Book of Ypres, A Reference to Military Operations in the Ypres Salient 1914-18, by Beatrix Brice (Spa Book Ltd., 1987).
- Battlefield Archaeology, by John Laffin (Ian Allan Ltd., London 1987).
- Belgien, Sonst und Jetzt, by E. Kellen (Herman Montanus, Siegen 1915).
- Beneath Flanders Filed, The Tunnelers' War 1914-1918, by Peter Barton, Peter Doyle and John Vandewalle (Spellmount, 2007).
- Beneath Hill 60, by Will Davies (Bantam Books, London 2010).
- The Bridge Carpenter, by Neville W. Tickner (University of Queensland Press, 2002).
- British Army Cap Badges of the First World War, by Peter Doyle and Chris Foster (Shire Publications, Oxford 2010).
- Buiten Schot - Nederland tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog, by Paul Moeyes (Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam 2005).
- The Campaign of the Marne 1914, by Sewell Tyng (Longmans, Green and Co.,New York 1935).
- Den Haag 14-18, Fragmenten uit een dagboek, (Haags Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag 1986).
- Die Deutschen Dokumente zum Kriegsausbruch 1914 (Part 1+2 & 3+4), by Karl Kautsky (Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschichte, Berlin 1921).
- Duitse Frontsoldaten 1914-1918, by Gerhard Hirschfeld, Gerd Krumeich and Irina Renz (Uitgeverij Atlas, Amsterdam 2008).
- De Eerste Wereldoorlog, by Paul van 't Veer (De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam 1964).
- De Eerste Wereldoorlog, Het Westfront, by Peter Simkins (Rebo Productions, Lisse 1992).
- De Eerste Wereldoorlog door Nederlandsze Ogen, by Rob Kammelar, Jacques Sicking and Menno Wielinga (Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Amsterdam 2007).
 | Wie bij een breed publiek, waaronder ook scholieren en studenten, het misverstand wil wegnemen dat de oorlog van 1914-1918 indertijd grotendeels aan Nederland is voorbijgegaan, kan dat het beste doen door de tijdgenoten zelf aan het woord te laten. Deze overtuiging ligt ten grondslag aan een nieuwe bloemlezing, die het vervolg is op Het monster van de oorlog, Nederlandse liedjes en gedichten over de Eerste Wereldoorlog van dezelfde samenstellers.
De gevarieerde prozafragmenten, die steeds kort worden toegelicht, brengen het verleden heel dichtbij en dragen daardoor ongetwijfeld bij aan het toenemen van historisch besef.
Ooggetuigen vertellen over het lot van de honderdduizenden vluchtelingen, over hun gruwelijke frontervaringen, de verveling in de kazernes, het tekort aan voedsel en brandstof, de slachtoffers van de oorlog op zee, het smokkelen aan de grenzen, de bommenaanval op Zierikzee.
Ook uit veel vlammende betogen van bekende literatoren en journalisten blijkt hoe groot de woede en verontwaardiging zijn geweest over de ‘Grote Oorlog’, die pas later de Eerste Wereldoorlog is gaan heten.
ISBN: 978 90 388 9027 2 |
- De Eerste Wereldoorlog in een notendop, by Jan van Oudheusden (Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, Amsterdam 2007).
 | De Eerste Wereldoorlog in een notendop zet op heldere en overzichtelijke wijze de oorzaken, het verloop en de gevolgen van deze oorlog uiteen. Het is een handig naslagwerk voor wie snel inzicht wil verwerven in wat historici ‘de moedercatastrofe van de twintigste eeuw’ noemen.
Dr. Jan van Oudheusden is historicus en docent. Hij is hoofdredacteur van het tijdschrift Kleio en schreef mee aan diverse schoolboeken en publicaties. Hij publiceerde De wereldgeschiedenis in een notendop, De Amerikaanse geschiedenis in een notendop en De geschiedenis van het Midden-Oosten in een notendop.
ISBN: 978 90 351 3203 0 |
- De Eerste Wereldoorlog in foto's, by J.H.J. Andriessen (Rebo Productions, Lisse 2002).
- Der Erste Weltkrieg, by Janusz Piekalkiewicz (ECON Verlag, Düsseldorf 1988).
- In Europa, Reizen door de twintigste eeuw, by Geert Mak (Uitgeverij Atlas, Amsterdam 2004).
Geert Mak spent the year 1999 criss-crossing the continent, tracing the history of Europe from Verdun to Berlin, St Petersburg to Auschwitz, Kiev to Srebrenica. He set off in search of evidence and witnesses, looking to define the condition of Europe at the verge of a new millennium.
The result is mesmerising: Mak’s rare double talent as a sharp-eyed journalist and a hugely imaginative historian makes In Europe a dazzling account of that journey, full of diaries, newspaper reports and memoirs, and the voices of prominent figures and unknown players; from the grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm II to Adriana Warno in Poland, with her holiday job at the gates of the camp at Birkenau.
But Mak is above all an observer. He describes what he sees at places that have become Europe’s well-springs of memory, where history is written into the landscape. At Ypres he hears the blast of munitions from the Great War that are still detonated twice a day. In Warsaw he finds the point where the tram rails that led to the Jewish ghetto come to a dead end in a city park. And in an abandoned crèche near Chernobyl, where tiny pairs of shoes still stand in neat rows, he is transported back to the moment time stood still in the dying days of the Soviet Union.
Mak combines the larger story of twentieth-century Europe with details that suddenly give it a face, a taste and a smell. His unique approach makes the reader an eyewitness to his own half-forgotten past, full of unknown peculiarities, sudden insights and touching encounters. In Europe is a masterpiece; it reads like the epic novel of the continent’s most extraordinary century.
- The Experience of World War I, by J.M. Winter (Equinox Book, Oxford 1988).
- Eyewitness World War I, by Simon Adams and Andy Crawford (Dorling Kindersley, London 2014).
- A Farewell to Arms, by Ernst Hemingway (Everyman's Library, London 1993).
- Fifty amazing stories of the Great War, (Odhams Press Ltd., London 1936).
- First World War, by H.P. Willmott (Dorlyn Kindersley, London 2003).
- The First World War, by Hew Strachan (Simon & Schuster, London 2003).
- The First World War, The War to end All Wars, by Peter Simkins, Geoffrey Jukes and Michael Hickey (Osprey Publication, Oxford 2013).
- In Flanders Fields, by Leon Wolff (Longmans, Green and Co., London 1959).
- Fragen an die Deutsche Geschichte, (Deutscher Bundestag Referat Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bonn 1993).
- Frankrijk in Oorlog, 1870-1962, by H.L. Wesseling (Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, Amsterdam 2006).
- Die Front in Fels unds Eis 1915-1918, by Gunther Langes (Arthesia, Bozen 2001).
- Gedenkboek van den Europeeschen Oorlog in 1914, by W.A.T. de Meester
(Sijthoff's Uitgeverij Leiden 1915).
- Gedenkboek van den Europeeschen Oorlog in 1915, by W.A.T. de Meester
(Sijthoff's Uitgeverij Leiden 1916).
- Gedenkboek van den Europeeschen Oorlog in 1918-1919, by W.A.T de Meester
(Sijthoff's Uitgeverij Leiden 1920).
- Der Gefangene der Franzosen - Eine Fliegergeschichte aus dem Weltkrieg 1914/16, by Georg Gellert (Meidinger's Jugendgeschriften Verlag, Berlin 1916).
- Geïllustreerde Geschiedenis van den Wereldoorlog, by H.P. Geerke en G.A. Brands (Meulenhoff & CO, Amsterdam 1920).
- Das gefesselte Heer. Meine Kriegsgefangenschaf, by P.C. Ettighoffer (Verlag Bertelsmann Gütersloh, 1932).
- Germany, Prepare for War!, by Prof. Ewald Banse (Lovat Dickson Ltd., London 1934).
- Geschichte des Krieges - Band 2, by Hermann Stegermanns (Stuttgart-Berlin DVA, 1918).
- The Golden Warrior, The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia, by Lawrence James (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1990).
- Great Battles of World War I, by Anthony Livesey (Marshall Edition, London 1989).
- De Grote Oorlog - Kroniek 1914-1918, deel 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 23 by Hans Andriessen, Martin Ros en Perry Pierik (Aspekt, Soesterberg 2003-2009).
- De Grote Oorlog - Novellen over 14-18, by A.G. Christiaens (Davidsfonds/Clauwaert, Leuven 1994).
- De Grooten Oorlog in de Westhoek, (Paul Boerjan, Brugge 2007).
- De Groote Oorlog, De Eerste Wereldoorlog in de Westhoek, by Dries Chaerle, Piet Chielens, Steven Maes and Wouter Sinaeve (Lannoo, Tielt 2008).
- Gulden Boek der Vuurkaart (including appendix), (Maison d' editions J. Rozez SA, Bruxelles 1938-1939).
- History of the First World War, by Liddell Hart (Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London 1997).
- A History of the Great War, by Bertram Benedict (Bureau of National Literature Inc, New York 1919).
- Hoe de oorlog ontstond, by Karl Kautsky (Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg 2001).
- Ieper en de frontstreek 1914-1918, (Uitgeverij A.G. Claus, Sint Niklaas 1986).
- Ik beschuldig de Engelsen, de waarheid over den oorlog, by E.D. Morel (1919).
- L'Illustration’s La Guerre 1914-1918, 9 volumes (L'Illustration, Paris 1926).
- The Imperial War Museum book of 1918 Year of Victory, by Malcolm Brown (Pan Books, 1998).
- The Imperial War Museum book of The Western Front, by Malcolm Brown (Pan Books, 2001).
- The Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Collection, by Edmund Berkeley Jr. (MJB, Columbia, USA, 1999).
- The Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Collection, by Elisabeth Sudduth (MJB, Columbia, USA, 2005).
- De Kaiser - Het Leven van Wilhelm II van Duitsland, by Virginia Cowles (H.J.W. Becht's Uitgeversmaatschappij NV, Amsterdam 1964).
- De kleine vrede in de Grote Oorlog - Kerstmis 1914 aan het Westelijk Front, by Michael Jürgs (Mets & Schilt, Amsterdam 2004).
- The Last Fighting Tommy, by Harry Patch with Richard van Emden (Bloomsbury Publishing, London 2007).
- The Liverpool Scottisch 1900-1919, by A.M. McGilchrist (reprint by The Naval & Military Press, Uckfield).
- Livre d'Or de la Carte du Feu, (Maison d' editions J. Rozez SA, Bruxelles 1933-1934).
- De Lusitania, Het ware verhaal van de scheepsramp die Amerika bij de Eerste Wereldoorlog betrok, by Erik Larson (Karakter Uitgevers BV, 2016).
- Mata Hari, Niet zo onschuldig . . ., by Sam Waagenaar (Uitgeverij Peter van der Velden, Amsterdam 1981).
- Medals : The Researcher's Guide, by William Spencer (Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, Richmond 2008).
- The Medals, Decorations & Orders of the Great War, by Alec A. Purves (Hayward & Son, Polstead 1989).
- A Military Atlas of the First World War, by Arthur Banks (Leo Cooper, London 1998).
- Mobilisatie 1914-1918 (Dagboek van Marinus Wandel - Milicien Soldaat 14e Regiment Infanterie - Nieuwerkerk), date of publication and publisher unknown.
- Mobilisatie in Nederland en België 1870 - 1914 - 1939, by Drs. W. Klinkert, Drs. J.W.M. Schulten and Prof.Dr. Luc de Vos (De Bataafsche Leeuw, Amsterdam 1991).
- Modder van de Somme, by E.P.F. Lynch (Dulce Et Decorum, Deventer 2011).
- Nederland in den Oorlogstijd, Prof. Dr. H. Brugmans (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1920).
- De Nederlandse Zeevisserij tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog 1914-1918, by D.J. Gouda (Schuyt& Co, Haarlem 1978).
- Newport News, A Centennial History, by John V. Quarstein and Parke S. Rouse Jr. (City of Newport News, 1996).
- The Old Front Line, The Centenary of the Western Front in Pictures, by Stephen Bull (Casemate, 2014).
- On the Front Line: True World War I Stories, by Jon E. Lewis (Constable, London 2008).
- Ooggetuigen van de Eerste Wereldoorlog, by Willem Melching & Marcel Stuivenga (Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, Amsterdam 2007).
- De Oorlogsdagboeken van Louis Barthas 1914-1918, (Uitgeverij Bas Lubberhuizen, Amsterdam 1998).
- Oorlogsgasten, Vluchtelingen en krijgsgevangenen in Nederland tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog, by Evelyn de Roodt (Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel 2000).
- Oorlogs Kroniek, 1916 (annual publication, 12 issues), by ? (M. Berg publishers, 1915).
- Oorlogs Kroniek, 1917 (annual publication, 12 issues), by ? (M. Berg publishers, 1916).
- De Oorlogsoorden, by Belgisch Leger (Drukkerij van het Ministerie van Landverdediging, Brussel 1924).
- Op Leven en Dood, Geschiedenis van den Grooten Oorlog, by M. van der Staal (Libertas Rotterdam 1915).
- Paroles de Poilus, Lettre de la grande Guerre, by Jean-Pierre Guèno and Yves Laplume (Tallandier, Paris 1998).
- A Photohistory of World War One, by Philip J. Haythornthwaite (Brockhampton Press, London 1998).
- Een Plasje Bloed in het Zand, Literaire getuigenissen van de Grote Oorlog, by Chrisje Brants (Uitgeverij Balans, 1995).
- Plotseling een vreselijke knal - Bommen en mijnen treffen neutraal Nederland (1914-1918), by Hans van Lith (Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel 2001).
- Retreat, Hell! We Just Got Here, by Martin M. Evans (Osprey, Oxford 1998).
- Reizigers door de Grote Oorlog, by August Thiry and Dirk van Cleemput (Davidsfonds, Leuven 2008).
- In de Schaduw van de Grote Oorlog, De Nederlandse Arbeidersbeweging en de overheid 1914-1920, by Ivo Kuypers (Aksant, Amsterdam 2002).
- Schlachten des Weltkrieges 1914-1918, a 38-book series (Deutsches Reicharchiv, 1920-1930).
- Silent Landscape at Gallipoli: The Battlefields of the Dardanelles, One Hundred Years on, by Simon Doughty (Helion & Company, 2018).
- De Slag bij Verdun, by George Blond (Het Spectrum, 1965).
- Slaughter on the Somme 1 July 1916: The Complete War Diaries of the British Army's Worst Day, by Martin Mace & John Grehan (Pen & Sword Military, Barnsley 2016).
- The Somme, The Day-by-Day Account, by Chris McCarthy (Arms & Armour Press, London 1994).
- De Stilte van de Salient, de herinnering aan de Eerste Wereldoorlog rond Ieper, by Johan Meire (Uitgeverij Lannoo, Tielt 2003).
- Tien studiën betreffende Nederland in de Eerste Wereldoorlog, by Mr. Dr. C. Smit (H.D. Tjeenk Willink, Groningen 1975).
- The Trench, by Richard van Emden (Bantam Press,2002).
- Trench Art, by Nicholas J. Saunders (Pen & Sword, Barnsley 2001).
- Van den Grooten Oorlog, by Elfnovembergroep (Volksboek, Kemmel 1979).
- Verdun, by P.C. Ettighoffer (Bertelsmann Verlag, Güterloh 1936).
- Verdun 1916, Secrets d'une place forte, by Jean-Luc Lauzko - Frédéric Radet (Ysec Éditions, Louviers 2006).
- Verdun, La Face Cachée / Die verborgene Seite, by Jean-Luc Lauzko - Frédéric Radet - Gérard Dalmaz (Ysec Éditions, Louviers 2005).
- De verlaten monarch - Keizer Wilhelm II in Nederland, by Perry Pierik and Henk Pors (Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg 1999).
- Vimy Ridge, by Kenneth Macksey (Pan/Ballantine, London 1973).
- Verre van Vredig, by A. Staarman (Legermuseum, Delft 2004).
- Verstoorde Vrede - Foto's van Nederland tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog, by A. Doedens and L. Mulder (De Prom, Amsterdam 2004).
- Vluchten voor de Groote Oorlog, Belgen in Nederland 1914-1918, by Prof.Dr. R. van Eenoo and many other (De Bataafse Leeuw, Amsterdam 1988).
- Der Weltbrand - Geschichte des 1. Weltkrieges (part 1,2 and 3), (Verlag von J.J. Weber, Leipzig 1920).
- Der Weltkrieg in Frankreich, by Dr. Alfred Sternbeck (Meidinger's Jugendschriften, Berlin 1920).
- De Wereld van Eergisteren, by Dr. A. van Hulzen (Kruseman's Uitgevers Mij, Den Haag 1983).
- De Wereldoorlog, by Dr. A. Zijp (Joh. de Liefde, Utrecht 1919).
- Van het Westelijk Front geen Nieuws", by Erich Maria Remarque (Erven J. Bijleveld, Utrecht 1920).
- When Europe went Mad, A brief history of the First World War, by Terence T. Finn (Ivy House Publishing, Raleigh 2009).
'When Europe Went Mad: A Brief History of the First World War' is not your typical World War I read. Terence T. Finn offers his readers the important facts of one of
the most significant wars in human history, yet presents it in a concise and comprehensive style meant for the common reader and history buff alike. 'When Europe Went
Mad' recounts the harrowing events of a war now nearly a century behind us, and boldly tells the story of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF). Finn reminds the reader
that well before General Dwight D. Eisenhower led American G.I.s into combat (1943-1945), John J. Pershing took an American army 'over there' and made history. With grace,
Finn resurrects an understanding of this war's significance and ensures that its worldwide impacts, and the lives lost in the name of it, are never forgotten.
ISBN13: 978 15 719 7497 6 |
- When the Barrage Lifts, A topigraphical History of the Battle of the Somme,
by Gerald Gliddon (Alan Sutton, Dover 1987).
- White Heat / The New Warfare 1914-1918, by John Terraine (Guild Publishing 1982).
- Wilhelm der Zweite, by Emil Ludwig (Ernst Rowohlt Verlag, Berlin 1926).
- World War I, by Susanne Everett (Bison Books Ltd., London 1980).
- World War I in postcards, by John Laffin (Wrens Park Publishing, 2001).
- World War I on the Virginia Peninsula, by John V. Quarstein (Arcadia Publishing, Charleston 1998).
- World War One, A chronical Narrative, by Philip Warner (Arms and Armour Press,London 1998).
- Die Württemberger im Weltkrieg, by General Otto von Moser (Belser Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 1938).
- The World War One Source Book, by Philip J. Haythornthwaite (Brockhampton Press, London 1994).
- Zacht en Eervol - Lijden en sterven in een Grote Oorlog, by Leo van Bergen (SDU Uitgevers, Den Haag 2001).
- The Browning Heavy Machine Gun Mechanism Made Easy, (reprint by The Naval & Military Press, Uckfield 2008).
- Complete guide to the Hotchkiss Machine Gun, (reprint by The Naval & Military Press, Uckfield).
- Exterior Ballistics and miscellaneous notes, by Lt. Col. R.W. Richardson (Bisley 1918).
- Das Französische Machinengewehr - Model 1907, (Berlin 1916, reprint by Journal Verlag Schwend, Schwäbisch Hall).
- Handbook of Artillery Instruments, (reprint by The Naval & Military Press, Uckfield).
- Handleiding Gasbescherming No.52 (deel 1), (Koninklijke Militaire Academie, Breda 1938).
- Landstormboekje - Militaire Vooroefeningen (voor Infanterie en Wielrijders), by W.J.M. Linden (Drukkerij Korthuis, Den Haag 1921).
- Notes on German Fuzes and typical French and Belgian Fuzes, (General Staff, January 1918, reprint).
- Repetirpistole Browning Model 1900, (reprint by Journal Verlag Schwend, Schwäbisch Hall).
- Revolver shooting in War, by Captain Charles D. Tracy (Sifton Praed & Co, London 1915).
- R. L. Handbook of Ammunition, War Office Facsimiles May 1918 (reprint 2015).
- Schietvoorschrift voor de Bereden-en Stelling Artillerie No. 321, (Koninklijke Militaire Academie, Breda 1923).
- Schietvoorschrift der Infanterie No. 96, (De Koninklijke Militaire Academie, Breda 1915).
- Small Arms Instructors Manual 1918, (E.P. Dutton & Company, New York 1918).
- Verzameling van Pionier-Technische Gegevens No.33, (Koninklijke Militaire Academie, Breda 1935).
- Voorschrift Inrichten Stellingen No. 77d (deel IV Vernielingen & deel V Opruimingen), (Koninklijke Militaire Academie, Breda 1933).
- Voorschrift Velddienst No.41I (deel 1), (Koninklijke Militaire Academie, Breda 1934).
- Wenken en Gegevens voor opleiding tot en het examen voor den rang van Sergeant, by P. Ch. J. Kiàs (Uitg. P.J. van den Burg, Hilverum 1923).
- CD - Balades Commentées du Champ de Bataille de Verdun 1918 (CdM, Verdun 2006).
- CD - Remembering World War 1 / 1914-1919 - 3 volumes (A2ZCDS 2003).
- DVD - All Quiet on the Western Front [1979] (Carlton International 2002).
- DVD - The Bloody War (WWI) - 8 volumes (History Channel 2008).
- DVD - The Boer War & other colonial adventures (Cromwell Productions 2004).
- DVD - Britain at War WW1 - 3 volumes (Green Embrella 2007).
- DVD - The Concise History of WW1 (Alba Home Vision 2012).
- DVD - A Farewell to Arms [1957] (Foxfilm 2009).
- DVD - 'First Avenue' Operation Beaumont Hamel by the Durant Group (Fougasse Films, Eastcote 2003).
- DVD - Gallipoli (Special Collector's Edition 2006).
- DVD - Gallipoli - The Frontline Experience (Alba Home Vision 2012).
- DVD - The Good Soldier Schweik [1956] (part 1 & 2) (Facets Video 2005).
- DVD - The Great War - 2 volumes & book (Marks and Spencer 2013).
- DVD - The Great War 1914-1918 - 8 volumes (Green Ambrella 2005).
- DVD - De Groote Oorlog , De Eerste Wereldoorlog in de Westhoek (Lannoo, Tielt 2008).
- DVD - The History of WW1 - 2 volumes (TDM 1999).
- DVD - Line Of Fire: The Somme 1916 (Cromwell Productions 2000).
- DVD - One of our mines is missing - The fighting tunnels of Vimy Ridge (Fougasse Films, Eastcote 1999).
- DVD - Passchendaele - Flanders 1917 (High Fliers, 2014).
- DVD - Revealing Gallipoli ( Simply Media 2011).
- DVD - The Somme - From Defeat to Victory (BBC 1996).
- DVD - Trenches - The story of WW1 - 3 volumes (Odeon Entertainment 2006)
- DVD - Verdun 1916, Secrets d'une place forte (Ysec Éditions, Louviers 2006).
- DVD - Verdun, La Face Cachée / Die verborgene Seite (Ysec Éditions, Louviers 2005).
- DVD - World War 1 in colour - 2 volumes (Fremantle 2003).
- DVD - World War I - The Great War - 3 volumes (Military History 2008).
- DVD - World War One - The Centenary Collection - 9 volumes (BBC 2014).
- DVD - WW1 Commemoration - DVD & book (DemandMedia 2013).
- DVD - WW1 Commemorative Film Collection - 10 volumes (Koch Media 2014).
- DVD - WW1 - The Bloody War - 6 volumes (History Channel 2009).
- DVD - WW1 The Great War - 4 volumes (DemandDVD 2013).
- DVD - WW1 Somme Secret Tunnel Wars (DemandDVD 2012).
- VHS - America's First Battle Tank (Historical Ordnance, Lancaster 1991).
- VHS - In the wake of the combatants at Verdun (Memorial de Verdun 1914-1918).
- VHS - Verdun, Vision and Comprehension (Editions Mage, Le Blanc Mesnil 1990).
- Armour & Drama, Newsletter of The Tank Museum, Bovington - England.
- Battle Lines, Publication of The Somme Association, Newtownards - Nornthern Ireland (1x/year).
- In Flanders Fields Magazine, Publication of the In Flanders Fields Museum, Ypres - Belgium (2x/year).
- The Incinerator, Newsletter of The Somme Association, Newtownards - Nornthern Ireland.
- Mars et Historia, Publication of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Militaire Historie - The Netherlands (4x/year).
- Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr, exhibition journal, Dresden - Germany (2x/year).
- NVBMB Magazine, Publication of the Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bestudering van Munitie en Ballistiek - The Netherlands (4x/year).
- Quaderni di Oplologia, Publication of the Armigeri del Piave - Italy (2x/year).
- SAM-Wapenmagazine, Gunmagazine, combined publication of the Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bestudering en Instandhouding van Wapenverzamelingen 'Edouard de Beaumont' - The Netherlands (6x/year).
- SAMA Review, Publication of the Sociéte des Amis du Musée de l'Armée - France (2x/year).
- The Trench, Publication of The Western Front Museum - The Netherlands (2x/year).
- Wapenfeiten, Publication of the Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars - The Netherlands (4x/year).
- Waterlijn, Publication of the National Project Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie - The Netherlands (4x/year).
- Allied History of World War One, by Ian V. Hogg (The Crowood Press, 1999).
- Allied Small Arms of the World War One, by John Walter (The Crowood Press Ltd, Marlborough 2000).
- The American Krag Rifle and Carabine, by Joe Poyer (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2007).
- Armi ed Equipaggiamenti Dell'Esercito Austro-Ungarico dal 1914 al 1918, volume primo, by Siro Offelli (Gino Rossato, Novale 2001)
- Armi ed Equipaggiamenti Dell'Esercito Austro-Ungarico dal 1914 al 1918, volume secundo, by Siro Offelli (Gino Rossato, Novale 2001)
- Armi ed Equipaggiamenti Dell'Esercito Italiano Nella Grande Guerra 1915-1918, by Nevio Mantoan (Gino Rossato,Novale 1996)
- l'Artiglieria Austro-Ungarica nella Grande Guerra, by Filippo Cappellano (Gino Rossato, Novale 2001).
- l'Artiglieria Italiana nella Grande Guerra, by Andrea Curami & Allessandro Masignami (Gino Rossato, Novale 1998).
- Artillery, by Curt Johnson (Octopus Books, London 1975).
- La Bataille des Forts, by Alain Hohnadel and Philippe Bestetti (Heimdal, 1995).
- Bayonets of the World - Volume Four, by Paul Kiesling (Military Collectors Service, Kedichem 1976).
- Bombe a mano austriache 1914-1918, by Nevio Mantoan (Paolo Gaspari, Udine 2001).
- Bombe a mano da fucile austroungariche, by Luca Azzini (Paolo Gaspari, Udine 2004).
- Bombe a mano italiane 1915-1918, by Nevio Mantoan (Paolo Gaspari, Udine 2001).
- Bombs gone, The development and use of British air-dropped weapons from 1912 to the present day, by John A. MacBean and Arthur S. Hogben (Patrick Stephens Ltd., Wellingborough 1990).
- The Book of Pistols and Revolvers, by Capt. Hugh B.C. Pollard (McBride & Company, New York 1918).
- The British Army 1914-18, by D.S.V. Fosten and R.J. Marrion (Osprey Men-at-Arms Series, 1983).
- British Artillery Weapons & Ammunition 1914-1918, by Ian V. Hogg and L.F. Thurston (Ian Allan, London 1972).
- British Battle Insignia: 1914-18, by Mike Chappell (Osprey Men-at-Arms Series, 1987).
- British Enfield Rifles, Volumes 1 (SMLE (No.1) Rifles, Mk.I and Mk.III, by Charles R. Stratton (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2002).
- British Enfield Rifles, Volumes 4 Pattern 1914 and US Model of 1917, by Charles R. Stratton (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2007).
- The British Soldier in the 20th. Century, Service Dress 1902-1940, by Mike Chappell (Wessex Military Publishing, 1987).
- The British Soldier in the 20th. Century, Field Service Head Dress 1902 to the present day, by Mike Chappell (Wessex Military Publishing, 1987).
- The Cartridge Guide, by Ian V. Hogg (Arms and Armour Press, London 1982).
- Cent Ans d'Armée Suisse, by Dr. Hans Rudolf Kurz (Editions Troislangues, Lugano-Porza 1980).
- Designed to kill, Bomb disposal from World War I to the Falklands, by Major Arthur Hogben (Patrick Stephens Ltd., Wellingborough 1987).
- Deutsche 21-cm Mörser 1911-1945, by Wolfgang Fleischer (Waffen-Arsenal, 1996).
- Deutsche Artillerie- und Minenwerfer Munition 1914-1918, by Karl-Heinz Dissberger (Dissberger, Düsseldorf 1984).
- Deutsche Handgranaten 1914-1945, by Wolfgang Fleischer (Waffen-Journal, 1998).
- Deutsche Minen- und Granatwerfer 1914-1945, by Wolfgang Fleischer (Waffen-Arsenal, 1994).
- Deutsche Scharfschützen-Waffen 1914-1945 , by Peter R. Senich (Motorbuch Verlag, 1996).
- The Devil's Paintbrush (Sir Hiram Maxim's Gun), by Dolf L. Goldsmith (Collector Grade Publications Inc., 2002).
- La Flak de 1914-1918 (Part 1 and 2), by B. Delsert, J.J. Dubois and Chr. Kowal (La Plume du Temps, 2000).
- Fokker vliegtuigbewapening, Aircraft Armament, Flugzeugbewaffnung, by G. de Vries en B.J. Martens (De Bataafsche Leeuw, Amsterdam 1994).
- Het Fort Pampus, by H.P. Moelker (Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel 1989).
- Fortress, A History of Military Defence, by Ian V. Hogg (MacDonald and Jane's, London 1975).
- The German Army 1914-18, by D.S.V. Fosten and R.J. Marrion (Osprey Men-at-Arms Series, 1987).
- German Artillery of World War One, by Herbert Jäger (The Crowood Press Ltd, Marlborough 2001).
- German Military Handguns 1879 - 1918, by John Walter (Fortress Publication, London 1980).
- Das gewehr 88, by Paul S. Scarlata (Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart 2008).
- Geschichte der Mauser-Pistolen, by Jean Huon (Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart 2009).
- The Grand Old Lady of No Man’s Land - The Vickers Machingun, by Dolf L. Goldsmith (Collector Grade Publications, 1994).
- La Grande Guerre Armements et Transport, by Véronique Willemin (Éditions de Lodi, Paris 2003).
- La Grande Guerre Armes, Uniforms et Materiels, by François Bertin (Editions Quest-France, 2006).
- The Great Tanks, by Chris Ellis & Peter Chamberlain (Hamlyn Publ., London 1975).
- La guerra dei gas 1914-1918, by Nevio Mantoan (Paolo Gaspari, Udine 2001).
- La guerra des gaz 1915-1918, by Gerard Lachaux and Patrick Delhomme (Hegide, Paris 1985) [signed copy by Patrick Delhomme].
- Helmets of the First World War, by Michael J. Haselgrove and Branislav Radovic (Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 2000).
- A History of Artillery, by Ian V. Hogg (Hamlyn, London 1974).
- History of Uniforms: World War One - British Army, by Stephen Bull (Brassey's, London 1998).
- History of Uniforms: World War One - German Army, by Stephen Bull (Brassey's, London 2000).
- Identifizierung von Handfeuerwaffen Munition, by Jakob H. Brandt and Horst H. Hamann (Journal Verlag Schwend GmbH, Schwäbisch Hall 1971).
- The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ammunition, by Ian V. Hogg (Apple Press, London 1985).
- The Illustrated Encyclopedia of 19th. Century Firearms, by Major F. Myatt (Salamander Books, London 1979).
- Imperial German Field Uniforms And Equipment 1907-1918 (Volume 1 &2), by Johan Somers (Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 2005).
- K.u.k. Befestigungsanlagen in Tirol und Kärnten 1860 - 1918, by E.A. Grestenberger (Verlag E.S. Mittler & Sohn, 2000).
- La grande guerra. Der lange Georg «Il lungo Giorgio» Un'artiglieria navale bombarda Asiago, by Luca Girotto (Rossato Vicenza 2010).
- The Luger, Small Arms Profile Nr. 3, by A.J.R. Cormack (Profile Publications, Windsor 1971).
- Paul Mauser - His Life, Company and Handgun Development 1838 - 1914, by Mauro Baudino and Gerben van Vlimmeren (Brad Simpson Publishing, 2017).
- Mauser Military Rifles of the World, by Robert W.D. Ball (Gun Digist Books, USA 2006).
- Mavors, Maandschrift (met Artilleristisch tijdschrift), various issues dated between 1932 and 1939.
- Mazze ferrate della prima guerra mondiale, by Renato Finadri (Paolo Gaspari, Udine 2007).
- Messing voor Patronen, by C. Grard (Februari 1909).
- Military Collectables, An International Directory of Twentieth-century Militaria, by Joe Lyndhurst (Salamander Books, 1983).
- The Model 1903 Springfield Rifle and its variations, by Joe Poyer (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2008).
- The Model 1911 and Model 1911A1 Military and Commercial Pistols, by Joe Poyer (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2008).
- The Mosin-Nagant Rifle, by Terence W. Lapin (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2007).
- Nederlandse Vuurwapens 1896-1942, by Drs. G. de Vries and Drs. B.J. Martens (De Bataafse Leeuw, Amsterdam 1997).
- Obus Allemands de la Grande Guerre - Les Obus de calibre 77mm, by Jean-Jacques Dubois (Prestoprint, Lille 1980) [signed copy by J.J. Dubois].
- Organization and Insignia of the American Expeditionary Force, by R.J. Dalessandro and M.G. Knapp (Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 2008).
- Panzerabwehrkanonen 1916 - 1977, by Franz Kosar (Motorbuch-Verlag, Stuttgart 1978).
- Patronen, by J. Lenselink, H.E. Wanting and W.D. de Hek (Delfia Press BV, Rijswijk 1983).
- Per non morir di Sete , by Simone Marzinotto (Paolo Gaspari, Udine 2005).
- Riesengeschütze und Schwere Brummer einst und jetz, by Rudolf Kusar (J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, Müchen 1972).
- Savage Pistols, by Bailey Brower Jr. (Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg 2008).
- Skoda Heavy Guns, by Michal Prásil (Schiffer Publishing, Atglen USA 1997).
- Small Arms of the World, by Joseph E. Smith and W.H.B. Smith (A & W Visual Library, 1973).
- Small and Medium Caliber Military Cartridges, by J. Lenselink and W.D. de Hek (Delfia Press BV, Rijswijk 1986).
- De Stelling van Amsterdam - Harnas voor de hoofdstad (Uitgeverij Matrijs, Utrecht 2003).
- The Swedish Mauser Rifles, by Steve Kehaya and Joe Poyer (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2003).
- Swiss Magazine Loading Rifles 1869 to 1958 , by Joe Poyer (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2003).
- Tanks and Trenches, by David Fletcher (Budding Books Ltd.2001).
- Tanks and Weapons of World War 1 (Phoebus, London 1973).
- Trench Fortifications 1914 - 1918, A Reference Manual, (The Imperial War Museum, London 1998).
- Trench Warfare 1914 - 1918, by Tony Ashworth (Macmillan Publishers Ltd., London 2000).
- Uniforms & Equipment of the British Army , by Stephen J. Chambers (Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 2005).
- U.S. Winchester Trench and Riot Guns, by Joe Poyer (North Cape Publications, Tustin 2002).
- Utrecht Verdedigd - Fortificatie en mobilisatie 1914-1940, by D.T. Koen (Uitgeverij Matrijs, Utrecht 1990).
- Verhandeling over geschuthulzen, (1922).
- Verzameling van keuringseischen van Artillerie-materiëel ten behoeve van de Zeemacht, (Departement van Defensie, 1929).
- The Vickers-Maxim Machine Gun, by Martin Pegler (Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2013).
- Vuurwapens van 1840 tot heden, by J. Lenselink (Fibula-Vandishoeck, Bussum 1975).
- Die Waffen der Luftstreitkräfte, by Ing. Fritz Hohm (Verlag 'Offene Worte', Berlin 1935).
- Waffen Revue, (Journal-Verlag Schwend, Schwäbisch Hall, quarterly, various editions).
- Weapons of the Trench War 1914-1918, by Anthony Saunders (Sutton Publication, 1999).
- Aces High - The War in the Air over the Western Front 1914-18, by Alan Clark (Cassell & Co, London 1999).
- Aircraft of World War One, Volume 1, Argus Books, 1989).
- Aircraft of World War One, Volume 2, Argus Books, 1989).
- Battlebags, British airships of the First World War, by Ces Mowthorpe (Wrens Park Publishing, 1998).
- Dwarswind, Een biografie van Anthony Fokker, by Marc Dierikx (Sdu Uitgevers, Den Haag 1997).
- Fighting The Flying Circus, by Eddie V. Rickenbacker (Avon Books, New York 1969).
- Fokker - The Man and the Aircraft, by Henri Hegener (Harleyford Publications, Letchworth 1961).
- German Air Aces of World War One,by Alex Imrie (Arms & Armour Press, London, 1989).
- German Bombers of World War One,by Alex Imrie (Arms & Armour Press, London, 1989).
- Jane's Fighting aircraft of World War 1, (Random House Group Ltd., London 2001).
- Leven voor de Luchtvaart, by Drs. R. de Winter (Historical Section of the Netherlands Airstaff, The Hague 1992).
- Mijn leven als vliegenier, by Ernst Udet (Volksche Uitgeverij Westland, Amsterdam 1943).
- The RAF in Camera, Archive photographs from the Pubic Record Office and the Ministry of Defence, by Roy Conyers Nesbit (Sutton Publishing, 1995).
- Der Rote Kampflieger, by Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen (Ullstein Verlag, Berlin 1933).
- Sagittarius Rising - The classic account of flying in the First World War, by Cecil Lewis (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1983).
- Soesterberg van Toen en Nu, Dik Top & Wim Top (Repro-Holland, Alphen a/d Rijn, 1990).
- Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery (Grub Street, London 1998).
- Vergeten Legende / Frits Koolhoven 1886-1946, by Sytze van der Zee (De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam 2001).

- Dazzle Painting - Kunst als camouflage, by A. Roskam (Uitgeverij Van Spijk, 1987).
- De Dreadnoughts, by David Howarth (Time-Life Boeken, Amsterdam 1980).
- De Duitse Onderzeeboten, by Douglas Botting (Time-Life Boeken, Amsterdam 1981).
- Ik nader ongezien - De onderzeeboten van de Koninklijke Marine, by P.C. Jalhay and J.J.A. Wijn (De Bataafse Leeuw, Amsterdam 1997).
- Jane's Fighting ships of World War 1, (Random House Group Ltd., London 2001).
- Jutland, The German Perspective, by V.E. Tarrant (Brockhampton Press Ltd., London 1999).
- Naval Ratings Handbook: B.R. 1938, (Ministry of Defence, 1965).
- Silent Warriors Vol 3: Submarine Wrecks of the United Kingdom, by Pamela Armstrong and Ron Young (The History Press, Stroud 2010).
- Die Torpedos der Deutschen U-boote, by Eberhard Rössler (Verlag Mittler, 2005).
- Die UB-Boote der Kaiserliche Marine 1914-1918, by Harald Bendert (Verlag Mittler, 2000).
- Die UC-Boote der Kaiserliche Marine 1914-1918, by Harald Bendert (Verlag Mittler, 2001).
- U38, Wikingerfahrten eines Deutschen U-Bootes, by Max Valentiner (Ullstein Verlag, Berlin 1934).
- Warships of World War 1 (Phoebus, London 1973).
- Zeebrugge en Oostende, by James W. Stock (Standaard Uitgeverij, Antwerpen 1979).

Member of the N.V.B.M.B.
(Dutch branch of the European Cartridge Research Association)
Copyright © The Western Front Museum Foundation